I figure I should let people who like what I write know that I've got quite a bit of stuff written and making its way through the editing/revision pipeline.
First off, I've got an illustrated novella coming soon. It's called TABOOGASM, and it's about a guy who wins the lottery every time he plays.
There's a new Halloween horror story set to premiere in an anthology this fall.
I also plan on releasing a full-length fantasy novel by the end of this calendar year. This will be the first in a planned trilogy. All fantasy novels come in threes, right?
I've written four new novellas. The first of which, BRIDES OF HANOVER BLOCK, comes out in 2017.
And I'm actively writing a fantasy/adventure horror novel. I have no idea when this sucker will see the light of day. I'm at around the 10% mark with this one. Early days. But it's going well.
So, thanks to everyone who reads my work. Just thought I'd let you know there's much more to come.